Life as a gift
For every day you give us,
may we be thankful to you, O Lord.
Because it offers many opportunities to make a difference
and pass on your love.
Life is a gift and at the same time a responsibility,
that we live under your direction.
How happy we can be that we know the Creator,
who made us.
He knows best what is good for us.
No, it does not restrict us,
it gives us meaningful boundaries for our lives,
so that it is a life in abundance.
We may live according to his rules,
because they are the best in the world,
for he who conceived them,
is the one who created everything with his hands.
When we fall, we have a gracious advocate.
He helps us up when we fail.
Life with God is a gift.
We couldn't earn it, we received it by grace.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 15. September 2019
A day,
which the Lord has made
This is a day
which the Lord has made.
Let us live it in his presence
and enjoy it with joy,
that he gives us.
We want to give
what burdens us
and be happy in his presence.
Let us give the people
who have less than us,
give away our abundance
out of gratitude
to our own giver.
Let us be grateful for this love
and let this love flow
to the people.
This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us be happy and live close to God.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 21. April 2013
Quiet time
I am slowly finding peace from the stress of everyday life. I am listening to what God wants to tell me.
I pray to him and tell him what moves me, what discourages me and makes me sad. I thank God for everything I have received from him and for all the people who are close to me.
I read the Holy Scriptures and await God's answer.
Learn from people like me who faced problems they couldn't handle until they made room for God and He helped them.
Quiet time - communication with God. Conversation with the one who knows us through and through and only wants the best for us.
© by Stefan Fröhlich
Travel blessings
God is with you,
wherever your journey takes you.
May his blessing accompany you on your journey. Wherever you go,
He knows the destination of your journey.
May God grant that you arrive safely. May he protect you from dangers,
that you may encounter on your journey.
May he help you out of trouble
and let your heart
feel his boundless love.
May God’s blessing fill and accompany you.
When you arrived,
then thank God for his help on your way.
that your whole life is a journey.
Set your course now towards God,
your goal, a.
Then you will arrive safely with him on your final journey.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 26. June 2015
Holiday blessings
May the power of the Eternal be with you
and keep you in all your ways.
May he lead you to many countries
and let you visit many cities.
But may he lead you in health and strength
back home.
May the Eternal accompany you on all your paths
and lead you to your goal!
© by Stefan Fröhlich
7 August 2012
Budapest, Hungary
Travel thoughts
Where will the journey take me on its way?
Cities, houses and rivers fly past my eyes.
What else will I see, what else will I experience?
But I know for sure: God is with me.
You take my hand and hold me tight.
Whether on a tour or a hike,
I don't take a single step alone.
Thank you for everything beautiful, special and wonderful.
Thank you for every trip that ends well,
and every path that leads to the goal.
Thank you for all the good people,
who accompany me,
who help me on the way
and in the end you wait for me at the destination.
Which traffic lights, construction sites are piling up,
I only go to you.
The destination of the trip is worth all the effort.
© by Stefan Fröhlich, 29 August 2017, Riga, Latvia
Peace be with you
The peace of God be with you;
A faithful companion on all your paths through life.
May he be with you,
when you get into trouble, carry you in painful situations
and inspire you when you feel good.
May peace accompany you and fill your heart with the certainty,
that you are loved by God the Father
and are co-determined as his heir.
You have been given a new life
and enjoy his promises.
May God’s peace be with you and penetrate every crevice of your reality.
May God’s peace be with you!
© by Stefan Fröhlich 2.11.2009
Teach me to pray
When we call to you,
you will hear us,
that's what you said to us.
But how often do I forget
what power lies behind prayer.
I try to do everything alone
and I lack so much trust.
O Lord, teach me to pray as you want me to!
Because through prayer we change the world.
This does not take away our right to act,
but this happens through your strength alone.
We can achieve so much,
when we pray to you earnestly,
but we usually don't.
But open my eyes too,
that I do not pray for my own plans,
but lay on my heart,
that I ask according to your will.
Lord, teach me to pray and call upon you!
© by Stefan Fröhlich 13 February 2012
The football cup
Because countless players are fighting for the cup, but only one team will win the trophy.
No matter how much 20 players run after the ball and two keep it away from them,
can only win 11 of them.
Not whoever has the overwhelming superiority in the game is the winner,
but who scores the winning goal and holds it until the end.
That is why we want to do everything we can to win the eternal trophy and leave all unsportsmanlike behavior behind,
so that we don't get sent off the field by the referee.
We want to do our best,
so that the coach does not have to be ashamed of us and so that at the end we are crowned with the gold medal and rewarded with the trophy.
© by Stefan Fröhlich Hohe Mark
He relies on us
Only together can we win with the Bible’s master plan,
with which our coach sets the tactics.
Whoever fights alone,
likes to play beautiful football,
but will not score the decisive goals.
He gives us instructions and consultation in prayer
and warns us about the enemies’ insidious traps.
He knows every player very well
and his mistakes and weaknesses.
It is incomprehensible that he
put together such an imperfect team
and is confident of winning with it.
Our role model, Jesus Christ, relies on us.
We just have to follow him and obey his instructions.
He knows the key to victory.
Come follow him!
© by Stefan Fröhlich 24.July 2016 EM
Football game of life
In this game of life,
which is ultimately not a game,
how can I survive in it?
Because many are fighting for victory,
but not many will attain it.
One plays fair, the other unfairly,
one fights heroically and the other embarrasses himself:
But that alone does not bring victory!
Only those who score and keep theirs clean,
will leave the field as the winner.
This can only be done in community,
if you trust the other person,
assists him in difficult situations
and yet brings his own commitment.
Only those who listen to God, the coach,
can survive in the football game of life,
which is much more than just a game.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 23.06.2010
to the World Cup
Our trainer
Many spectators cheer on the players,
but only those who are on the pitch
can win the game.
Trust the coach’s tactics and instructions,
then you can win!
If you play alone, you will lose the ball,
Combination play and a successful finish are only possible in a team.
Shooting blindly at the goal doesn’t help,
Goals are scored in a targeted manner.
Only as a whole team can you prevail against the opponent,
the attack cannot win without the defense.
Those who fight with discipline will win the trophy.
God is the best coach you can ever have.
Only his master plan will help him achieve victory
and win the championship.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 21 June 2014 for the World Cup in Brazil
The sun
English:The sun
Dutch: Zon
French: The sun
Spanish: El sol
Portuguese: O sol
Italian: Il sole
Irish: Grian
Latin: sol
Latvian: Saule
Polish: Słońce
Serbian: Sunce
Russian: Солнце
Greek: Ο ήλιος
Hebrew: השמש
Arabic: الشمس
Persian: جستجوی پیشرفته
Turkish: Güneş.
Chinese: 太陽
Korean: 썬
Japanese: 日
Thai: ดวงอาทิตย์
Indonesian: Matahari
Afrikaans: The son
Swahili: Jua
The sun will shine on those who hope for it.
Although the world is in great darkness, the sun is still the determining force. It provides warmth, light and life.
Whoever accepts it will live in its light forever, no matter what culture they come from or what language they speak.
Jesus is the sun. Whoever trusts in him has stepped into the light.
© by Στέφανος סטפן, 斯特凡, ستيفان,, Стефан, Stephanus, ステファン, Stefan
Χαρούμενη, שמחה, 歡樂, بهيجة, радостный, laetus, 楽しい, happy
29.11.2009 1st Advent Heimerzheim
Carpe diem
Seize the day – because it holds so many new opportunities.
Carpe dium – because you can overcome challenges with God’s help.
Seize the day – every day you lose without giving someone a smile is a day wasted.
Carpe dium – whoever trusts in the Lord can enjoy the day to the fullest.
Make the most of the day – don’t rush! Life has more to offer than stress.
Carpe dium – you will find fulfillment if you invest this day in God.
Seize the day and do good – you will not only win people over with it.
Carpe dium.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 18.11.2009
Day of the Lord
It is Sunday again – the Lord’s day.
The day Jesus rose from the dead.
The day when Christianity meets,
to worship him.
It is a day of rest,
where it is important to recover from work.
to get nourishment for the soul from God
and refuel.
New strength for everyday life flows from the proclamation of the Word of God,
Life change is possible by accepting the message.
For it is God who speaks to us through songs, prayers, sermons and conversations.
Today he wants to speak to us, challenge us and renew us.
We want to think with joy about how great God has been for us.
Sunday – A day of rest, a day of renewal,
the day of the Lord.
© by Stefan Fröhlich Hohe Mark
Live your life
How short is life?
Just a moment and it's over.
What happens today will be history tomorrow.
Therefore live your life,
but live it with God!
Stay in his presence and let him guide you.
Enjoy every moment you live,
but be ready to give it up for God
and also to lose,
for you will inherit eternal life.
Enjoy what you have and give it away,
of your money, your time and your love
to people, but first and foremost to God,
for nothing you give is free:
You will get it back in a thousand copies.
Take advantage of the blessings that God has for you!
Unpack it!
Don't let him pass you by!
Yes, live your life, but live it with God.
© by Stefan Fröhlich
The goodness of God
May the goodness of God surround you in every situation of your life and give you peace, despite all the storms that may threaten you.
May the grace of God show you
that everything you have and are from him
and does not come from you;
yes, that he has saved you from eternal hopelessness.
May God’s faithfulness accompany you,
even if you fail and don't know what to do next.
May the love of God carry you through all the difficult times of your life,
and let yourself feel safe despite all adversities.
The presence of God be with you,
wherever you go
and may the blessing of God fill you completely.
Because without it, no life is possible.
But in him, there is life in abundance.
I wish that you can feel this every moment of your life.
© by Stefan Fröhlich
If you are still sitting here on the floor
and don’t know what sustains you, don’t despair.
You will see, one day you will grow wings,
that carry you through the air,
from the beginning to the end of the earth.
You will fly, even if you still long for it and don't know how to achieve it.
A piece of eternity in your heart gives you hope not to give up the search for truth.
You are not satisfied with half answers and lies. You are looking for the real life.
Do not despair, my friend!
The day will come when you realize
that it is the wings that carry you and not you yourself.
Learn to trust in the strength and power,
of the one who has gone before you,
to get you to your destination.
While you are still sitting desperately on your branch,
let it go.
You'll see,
your wings carry you away
about air currents, turbulence and dangers.
Find out who will give you these wings.
Learn to fly; see the world from a different perspective.
Don't think that what you see here is everything, but let your eyes be opened to reality.
The day will come when you will grow wings and faith will carry you until the end of time.
© by Stefan Fröhlich 17.01.2006
Golden yellow cornfields, ripe fruit clusters:
The time of harvest has come.
Vegetables, fruits, berries and grains.
The time of blessing is near.
The fruits are ripe!
But who harvests them?
Combine harvesters, ladders, spades and buckets are ready.
Who starts using them to harvest
to contribute?
It doesn't matter whether you sowed the seeds yourself or whether others did it.
The main thing is that the fruit does not spoil.
Get involved and help!
© by Stefan Fröhlich
Do not be afraid
Do not be afraid: the Lord is with you.
Do not be afraid: He guides you every step you take.
Do not be afraid: the Lord will not let you fall.
If you stumble, he catches you.
Do not be afraid: the Lord will carry you through difficult times.
Don’t be afraid and don’t be scared!
© by Stefan Fröhlich
You do not have to be scared
Start the day confidently
and let God use you.
For God has sent his angels,
so that they protect you anytime, anywhere.
And when the enemies get the upper hand,
even if enemy soldiers march in,
so be assured:
There are many enemies, but those
who are on your side are more numerous.
God's angels surround you, they watch over you.
Even if an enemy army attacks,
The angels, on God’s behalf,
a wall formed around you.
And though hundreds fall on your left hand, and thousands on your right hand, it shall not come upon you.
God's arm is not too short to help.
And when you pass through fire and raging streams, be assured:
The Lord will carry you through this.
You will neither drown nor burn.
Even in the greatest suffering, God is with you and helps you out.
If you dare everything for the Lord,
you can't lose anything that has eternal value.
God will keep you in all your ways.
Hold on to the faith,
then God will give you the crown of victory at the end of all time!
Fritzchen and the butter
“Fritz is an angel”,
says the mother,
“But sometimes he’s a little rascal.
For example with the butter.”
“Get the butter,” calls the mother.
Little Fritz says: “As clever as I am”,
runs to the butter
and falls down.
“What’s going on?” the mother calls.
“Does it rhyme with wide-wide?”
The mother asks: “Where is the butter?”
Little Fritz calls out: “It’s far away in Africa.”
“Where is the butter?”
calls the mother.
“Here is the butter
and sorry mother.”
1991 Stefan, 8 years