Christmas and New Year

Various poems
Here you will find a treasure trove of many other poems on the topics of New Year, Christmas, Mother's Day, Pentecost and Ascension.


At Pentecost the Lord poured
his Holy Spirit over his followers,
as it was written in the prophets.
People from many countries heard
the good news in their own language.
The Spirit transformed the disciples into courageous preachers,
who spoke in foreign, unlearned languages.
Jesus had promised the Comforter and Supporter,
when he ascended into heaven after the resurrection.
3,000 people were converted during Peter’s sermon.
In this way the community was founded,
the bride of Jesus Christ,
which has existed for almost 2000 years.
Pentecost was just the beginning.
the movement is far from over
In the power of the Spirit the good news spread throughout the globe.
Even the last unreached peoples should learn about Jesus
and get the chance to turn things around.
In heaven we will praise God in all languages.
Thank you Lord for the spirit you give us.
Let him work anew in us!
Thank you for the community,
this beautiful plant,
into which you invite people.
One day we will praise you together forever and ever.

14 May 2016, at Pentecost © by Stefan Fröhlich

Beginning and goal of the community
(Pentecost poem)
Almost 2000 years ago, Jesus founded his church,
by sending the Holy Spirit.
Because of him he is still here with us and is very close to us.
Although we no longer see Jesus,
He works among us with mighty deeds.
From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth he sent his disciples to bring the good news to all people:
Jesus lives. He has risen from the dead.
He saves us and frees us from our guilt,
that separates us from God.
On every continent for almost two millennia, people have heard about Jesus and received new life from him.
As long as the time of grace lasts,
the door to God will be open.
But not forever.
When the Holy Spirit knocks on the door of your heart today,
So don't reject him, but get involved with him.
Jesus accepts sinners,
that open up to him.
The battle against God’s church is taking
has been gaining momentum in recent days.
Persecution and seduction seek to break the church.
But whoever attacks the church is attacking God.
They will not succeed
because God will one day destroy evil once and for all.
The gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
For it belongs to Jesus Christ himself.
In the power of the Spirit she lives on until God takes her to himself.
God achieves his goal with her and the world.

June 4, 2022, for Pentecost © by Stefan Fröhlich

Ascension of Christ


The Son of Man leads his disciples to the Mount of Olives

and teaches them his ways for the last time.

He has risen from the dead

and gives them orders,

that will change the world.

“Go out into all the world

and proclaim to all people

the gospel, the good news.

Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son

and the Holy Spirit.

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,

Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.”

He also promised his spirit,

that would transform hearts.

and announced his return.

At that time, the disciples hardly suspected

what explosive power lay in the words.

When Jesus ascended into heaven,

his followers remained behind,

But he never completely left.

Through the spirit he continues to work to this day.

And these fearful and impulsive people

changed the world forever in his power.

The light penetrated into the farthest corners

to all peoples and nations.

Despite mistakes and failures, believers

Many people have experienced saving grace.

She conquered hatred and acted out of love.

The missionary command is still valid today.

Come bring the message everywhere!

People should hear about the Savior,

so that they open their hearts to him

and enter his kingdom.

© by Stefan Fröhlich

23.5. and 25.5.2017, Ascension Day

Oerlinghausen and Heimerzheim

The Exalted

Before the eyes of the disciples, Jesus ascended into heaven.

He who died on the cross

so humiliated,

was miraculously elevated.

There the Son sits at the right hand of the Father,

until he comes back.

But his mission is still valid today,

To make disciples of people.

This mission has still not been fully accomplished.

Lord, send workers into the harvest fields,

which are already ripe for harvesting.

Let people find reconciliation with you,

so that they may be saved from the coming judgment.

Jesus is coming back soon.

Blessed is he who awaits him.

He reigns on the throne forever.

To him was given dominion for all time.

The Exalted One will come

and direct everything towards its great goal.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 24. May 2019

For Ascension

The Coming One

He is with us every day,

as he promised at his ascension.

Jesus went to his Father in heaven,

but he stayed here

and lives in and among us.

He is present in his community,

who carries out his mission in the world,

To call people to Jesus.

He is active in our lives,

even if he cannot be seen.

We can talk to him

and he speaks to us through his word.

He is building his kingdom among us;

People from all nations belong to him.

He has promised to visibly return

and to take us to him so that we may always be with him.

We have hope for a wonderful future

in his kingdom of love.

We can already look forward to the future with Jesus,

that makes all the suffering in the world fade away,

and live in anticipation of what is to come.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 9. May 2024

Ascension of Christ

Mother's Day Poems

Mother's Day

Dedicated to all mothers

Can a mother’s love be weighed against gold?

Can money pay for a mother’s work?

Is it possible for someone to grow up without a mother,

without him missing anything?

Has anyone ever survived without love?


A mother's love is worth more than all the gold in the world!

There is not even enough money

to reward even one mother for her love for her children.

Those who do not experience this love will not be able to pass on such love later.

Without love there is nothing. Without love nothing exists.

Even if a mother’s love is not perfect,

yet it also points to God’s perfect love.

This love becomes a model for all of us.

© by Stefan Fröhlich

Three hundred and sixty-five Mother's Days

Surprises, bouquets of flowers, table setting.

Joy, gratitude, understanding.

And what comes from us after that?

Ingratitude, lack of understanding, neglect of one's own household duties.

The praise for the mother refers to one day and the complaining often refers to the remaining 364 days of the year.

It does not have to stay that way.

God wants us to be content and grateful for what our mothers do for us.

And we should not just be grateful, but help out at home out of gratitude.

If we always took this to heart, there would be not just one, but 365 Mother’s Days a year.

© by Stefan Fröhlich

thank you for your love

For Mother’s Day I wish you all the best,

to you the best mother in the whole world

Thank you for your motherly love,

who won't let me down,

Thank you for your prayers,

who care for me.

Thanks for all your effort,

that you make for yourself.

Thanks for your time,

that you sacrificed.

Thank you for being there even in difficult times

are there for me.

Thank you for every encouragement

and every good word.

Thanks for any help.

Thank you for sticking with me.

All this cannot be measured in gold,

for no money in this world.

Thank you for everything!

For Mother’s Day I want to express my love

for the very best mother in the world.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 12.05.17, for Mother's Day on 14.05.

A poem for Mother's Day

This poem is for a special person to whom this day is dedicated.

Flowers are not enough for Mother’s Day,

to thank you for everything you have done for us.

Words are not enough,

to express my thanks to you appropriately.

Thank you, mother, for your love.

Thank you for praying for us

and stood by us.

Thank you for everything.

Enjoy this day and be happy about it.

We are grateful that you are our mother

and look forward to spending time with you.

We thank God for giving you to us.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 07.05.22, for Mother's Day on 08.05.

New Year
Thoughts on the topic:
Don't we all feel that the year 2024 has already flown by? The year 2024 has just begun and is therefore something completely unknown and new.
So it is time to take stock of everything that has happened in recent years. A few highlights come to mind. The brutal attack by Hamas on Israel, Russia's attack on Ukraine, Corona and the flood disaster, totalitarian actions by governments come to mind. The terrorist attacks on September 11th and the subsequent wars show us that we are far from a peaceful world. For us Germans, the attack on the Christmas market in Berlin marks a turning point. The tsunami at Christmas 2004, Hurricane Katrina and the floods in Germany in 2016 have shown how helpless we humans are when nature strikes back. The economic crisis shows that most people do not want to change despite knowing better and will continue to provoke crises with their greed. Terrorist attacks, right-wing and Islamist violence, refugee crises and the persecution of Christians characterize our time.
So is the picture for the coming year consistently bleak?
Certainly not. Because when people start to change their environment with God's help, great things are possible. Of course, this cannot stop many wars or natural disasters, but we can deal with them better. And for the people who benefit from it, it makes a huge difference, even if it is just a drop in the ocean. Countless Iranians are finding God in the crisis. This is a huge awakening that gives courage. Hopefully more Syrians and Afghans will soon find faith too. Let us stand up against the trend of our time, let God change us and make a difference in 2023!

God writes our history
The year has passed.
Soon it will be past and history.
But I am sure
who writes this story.
He will continue writing them,
also in the coming year.
The earth has had to see a lot again:
Distress and misery, war and war cries,
Disasters and helplessness.
And yet I know very well
that a loving God
has not lost the reins.
Everything that has lasting value,
is what we have done for God.
Whatever happened,
which cannot be reversed,
It is in good and safe hands with my friend Jesus.
So we can breathe a sigh of relief
and set out into the new year,
in the certainty
that God writes our history.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 31. December 2014

Thoughts on the topic:
In the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas period, the meaning of this festival is often lost, not to mention that many people no longer know it or are not interested in it. Christmas means: Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is born. That the world needs renewal will be clear to anyone who reflects on the world situation in a somewhat realistic way. Many people find it difficult to associate renewal with Jesus, but only he can really bring about change. It is not God who is dead, but Nietzsche, and unlike dead philosophers, Jesus still changes people's lives. I hope that every reader who reads my Christmas poems will allow themselves to be changed by him.

Fire of hope
This world has seen so many ideas and ideologies
and many more of them have failed spectacularly.
People believed they could give this world hope
and plunged them into deep hopelessness.
Where can we find hope in this time?
Who can really solve our problems?
In a time when hopelessness is rampant
and new crises are increasingly appearing on the horizon,
hope seems to have disappeared everywhere.
But it is still there and it shines brighter than any star.
She was born in Bethlehem and has a name: Jesus.
Hope could not come from us,
because we ourselves have brought the world into this state.
It had to come from outside, in the midst of our misery and suffering,
because that was the only way she could find us.
Hope changes this world.
It began when Jesus was born in the manger in Bethlehem.
That is where this hope began
and has brightened the lives of countless people
in all countries and continents.
People who were infected by it,
will change their environment.
They will fight against discouragement,
Indifference, despair and resignation.
They will carry the hope forward and plant it in many hearts.
This spark of hope is always in danger
to be wiped out by the enemy of every hope,
but he will not succeed.
This spark swells into a fire of hope,
that the world can no longer ignore.
This story began at Christmas
and it is far from over.
The message of hope will not rest,
until it has reached every nook and cranny of the earth.
That is why we can hope now that we are celebrating Christmas again.

© by Stefan Fröhlich Christmas poem, 08.11.2014

This Christmas we take a new look at Bethlehem.
For there a star has risen over Israel.
The Lion of Judah, the Messiah of the world, was born in a stable.
We live in a world without peace, overshadowed by war and hatred.
And yet the bringer of peace has already come.
He does not yet bring us world peace,
which ends all wars in one fell swoop.
But he restored peace between God and man.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, brought forgiveness for our sins.
He also reconciles people who are deeply at odds with each other.
In stormy times it is the anchor; the rock we hold on to.
Many people have already experienced this peace
and he calls you back to God too.
Jesus is the good shepherd who searches for the lost sheep until
until he found it.
Peace with God brings true peace that never ends.
He came into the world completely differently than we imagined.
God came as a small child.
In humility, born in lowliness, he came to the poor and the outcast.
He brings new hope to a hopeless world, peace to the peaceless.
And he will come back to this earth one day
in glory and power.
Then he defeats evil once and for all
and put an end to the wars.
Then peace will be final and last forever.
Jesus calls to you:
“Come to me! Get involved with me!
I give you this peace now.”
Forever we worship the bringer of peace.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 1. November 2022, Christmas poem

World mover
In a sick, lurching world, people are looking for something to hold on to.
They ask themselves what gives them meaning and hope.
Who heals diseases? Who is stronger than death?
There is a place in the world where we find answers to our questions.
Because God himself comes to us in Jesus into our chaotic world.
Born completely inconspicuously in a manger.
Kings, priests and powerful people stayed away from his arrival.
Only ordinary people and well-traveled strangers took notice of him.
No contemporary historian mentioned his birth
in the royal annals.
But four evangelists reported his story in the Gospels.
More books were written about him and more films were made about him,
than any other personality in world history,
even though most of his contemporaries ignored him.
But no one can get past him.
He moves the world and shakes it at its core.
Love in person changes countless hearts.
He shows that love conquers hate.
He is the doctor who heals us from sin.
He shed his blood on the cross for our forgiveness.
Jesus has conquered death.
Whoever follows him will be with him forever.
Many rebel against him.
With great patience he calls the lost sheep home.
He will soon return and put an end to the tyranny of evil.
We are now celebrating Christmas again
and even though we don't see him yet, he is celebrating with us.
We honor him on this holiday and rejoice in him.
Don’t you also want to come into the arms of the good shepherd?
He is waiting for you longingly.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 3. November 2021, Christmas poem

The world is full of disease, full of war, full of suffering.
Where do we find someone who heals wounded hearts?
A doctor who makes the sick healthy again,
who loves people unconditionally.
Who can overcome the separation between man and God.
Thank God the doctor of doctors
born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem, Israel.
He was born as a small child in a manger.
Outcast shepherds were the first to see him.
Foreigners searched for the newborn king.
He was a thorn in the side of those in power.
They tried to kill him as a child, but they failed.
As an adult he went to the lost of Israel,
to bring them back into relationship with God.
He came for all the lost to heal hearts.
He came to give salvation to people,
so that they can live reconciled with God
and be with him forever.
He risked everything to forgive our sins.
He is the Lion of Judah, the mighty ruler,
who will one day return and defeat evil forever.
Then all diseases will end and death will be destroyed.
Lion and cattle will graze peacefully together.
The new world and its people will be completely healed.
For he is the healer, healing comes only from him.
Jesus is his name. The name above all names.
Turn to him today and accept him as Lord and Savior.
You have to make a decision where you want to spend eternity.
He is waiting for you longingly, he will heal you if you let him
and peace will be your companion.
Now when we celebrate Christmas, he should be the focus.
The Doctor of Doctors, the Lion of Judah, the Meek Lamb,
that came to us as a child.

© by Stefan Fröhlich November 1, 2023, Christmas poem

He is your answer
How quickly Christmas has arrived again
and again the question of Bethlehem arises.
What is the significance of the story
in a world that is spinning faster and faster?
Although many no longer believe it is possible,
The events are more current than ever before.
God entered into our distress in Jesus,
to free us from our burdens.
No one can show greater love,
as someone who is willing to die for his enemies.
The crib and the cross belong inseparably together.
They are part of God’s wonderful plan of salvation,
We would be lost for all eternity,
he would have shied away from entering this world.
Neither the shepherds nor the wise men
nor Mary and Joseph
could fully recognize the depth and love of God,
how he wisely foresaw all the threads of history
converged in Bethlehem and Golgotha.
The prophets announced him,
Kings longed for him,
but they only saw him from a distance.
When he came,
he was not recognized.
And you: Don’t walk past him today!
It is he who knew you,
before you were even born.
He loves you more than your mother,
more than your wife or your husband.
Whoever you are,
You will find healing for your wounds in him.
Unload your fears on him.
Your questions about meaning will find an answer.
Do not search for them in vain in the world.
Jesus is your answer.
With him your soul becomes still.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 1. November 2017, Christmas poem

In the foreign
Even 2000 years ago
a child was born in a foreign city,
where his parents were not at home.
With other people
Joseph, Mary and Jesus came under
in the company of animals.
Soon they had to flee to a foreign country,
because a jealous ruler sought the child’s life
and committed a massacre of innocent children.
In Egypt, Jesus was a refugee child
among other Jews in the Diaspora.
So he experienced escape and life in a foreign country himself.
This means he can particularly understand people who suffer from this. It was only some time later that he returned with his family
and grew up in the provincial town of Nazareth.
Christmas did not take place in a perfect world.
People were forced to leave their homes.
Himself the Lord of the Universe and Creator of the Universe
made himself small
and became a refugee in a hostile world.
When he lived among us he accepted people as
as they were.
Origin, race and gender played no role.
He took care of her, the Roman captain of an invading force, the pagan woman from Lebanon,
of the criminal on the cross.
Out of love he gave his life for all of them.
And even today Jesus still takes
of strangers, refugees and the despised.
His love knows no bounds
and he calls us all to follow his example.
The message of Christmas teaches us today,
that we too should take care of strangers and refugees.

08. November 2015 © by Stefan Fröhlich

Giver of hope
When God came into our poverty,
then he became human like us.
He entered into our hopelessness,
to say:
There is a new beginning.
We are no longer alone.
He came down into our distress
and made himself very small.
And yet he holds the whole world in his hand.
He gave hope to poor shepherds,
The wise took the joy with them to their distant homeland.
Angels announced the message of peace.
And today he gives us the peace that only he can give.
It gives new hope to those who sit in darkness.
Whoever you are,
With Jesus you will find peace,
that you long for.
You find redemption for your separation from him.
Let yourself be healed by his grace.
Now on Christmas Day remember him
full of gratitude to God,
who came down to us.
He is coming towards you, go towards him.
He transforms our poverty into his wealth.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 3. November 2020, Christmas poem

The pioneer
A voice in the desert calls:
Prepare a way for the Lord!
Before the Messiah took a single step upon the earth,
God sent a messenger ahead in the power of Elijah.
He should pave the way for the
which has been awaited for centuries.
He led people to repentance, he baptized them
and his name was John.
His birth was a miracle,
for Zechariah and Elizabeth could not have children.
But an angel announced his birth in the temple.
The pioneer’s life goal was to
to point out the man,
who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.
Because Jesus is the Savior who reconciles us humans with God.
He is the beginning and the end of the story.
Everything came from him, everything flows to him.
The Creator of the universe made himself so small,
that he came to us in our turbulent world.
He did not end the wars or the suffering.
Yet he gives us his peace, which surpasses all understanding.
Immanuel – God is with us. We are no longer alone.
The one who came as a baby,
and as a man died on the cross, will come again.
Wars and suffering will then come to an end
and love in his person rules the world.
I'm looking forward to the day when I can see him in person.
Johannes, did you already know back then,
who were you announcing?
Did you fully understand the one whose path you were preparing?
Surely you didn’t understand a lot of things,
but you bravely walked the path
and pointed to Jesus.
At Christmas we therefore think of the Liberator,
because through him the way to God is now free.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 1. November 2019, Christmas poem

What remains of Christmas?

What remains when all the Christmas presents have been distributed,

when all good wishes have faded away,

when the feast has been consumed

and the guests have long since gone home?

What remains when the sermon has been delivered,

when the Christmas decorations are stored in the basement,

when the Christmas tree is waiting for the garbage collection

and the last Christmas cookies were eaten?

There is only one who remains and that forever.

This is Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem.

God from eternity, he became man.

Who understands this mystery in its depth?

If he lives in the heart of a person,

then it is Christmas there all the time?

He came down for us lost people,

because he wanted us in heaven.

Through the cross he achieved acquittal,

for those who accept him in faith.

Candle scent will fade away,

but Jesus remains forever.

He wants to transform our lives,

make everything completely new.

He gives a conversion, a rebirth.

For him it is always Christmas.

That is why we think

this Christmas to him,

because it stays forever.

© by Stefan Fröhlich 1. November 2018, Christmas poem

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